I still treasure an email from the BBC that says, ‘If you lose two fu*ks a minute, we’ll give you one c*nt’, and it just introduced the whole idea in my head of a sweary exchange rate...
— Armando Iannucci, BAFTA Scotland Acceptance speech for Outstanding Contribution to Film and Television Award, 2017
best seat in the house #LUCKYGIRL

best seat in the house #LUCKYGIRL

November’s highlight was, of course, the BAFTA Scotland Awards…and what an amazing night it was, from the red carpet start all the way to the champagne finish!

As a guest of Sir Chris Hoy (who presented the Single Documentary Award) I was very lucky to be sitting front row and centre at the Awards Ceremony.  And, as you can see from this month's cover photo, I managed to get a sneaky photo on stage before the ceremony began #naughtygirl

To be within arm’s length of some of my film and television heroes including (but in no particular order because in my book they are all top shelf!) Armando Iannucci, Doug Allen, Peter Capaldi and to be sitting at the same table as David Hayman, Ken Stott and Derek Riddell…it was an amazingly surreal experience that could only be surpassed by me winning a BAFTA Scotland Award!


It's a wrap on the set of Dead Zone (L to R: Chloe Chudasma, Leroy Kincaide, Holly Woodhouse, Dave Darko)

It's a wrap on the set of Dead Zone (L to R: Chloe Chudasma, Leroy Kincaide, Holly Woodhouse, Dave Darko)

Excitement this month…on the set of Dead Zone!  I am delighted to share the news that I have been cast in the role of Stacey in Nocturnal Pictures’ new short film, Dead Zone.

You may recall this award winning film company, headed up by the talented duo Leroy Kincaide and Chloe Chudasma, brought you the world of Max Payne in their debut feature film Max Payne: Retribution - a film that has had over 131,000 views on this YouTube link

I also had the great pleasure of meeting special effects make-up artist Dave Darko, who ‘gave’ me a zombie bite which transformed me from savvy business woman to zombie-bite victim…and it was ‘bloody’ good fun!


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And in more exciting news…IronStar Films’ Finishing Fund campaign on Indiegogo is now 100% funded so I'm looking forward to getting back on set in my role as Tellu.

Also thrilled to report that the composer James Sizemore, whose previous work includes Sir Peter Jackson's The Hobbit Trilogy and the Oscar winning Spotlight, has completed the Tellurian theme track - a hauntingly beautiful musical score.  I can't wait to share it with you.  But in the meantime, here's the Tellurian trailer for you to watch

I'm probably more of a Private Benjamin than a GI Jane at the Halloween fundraiser (Photo Credit: R Woodhouse)A moment of quiet reflection after setting up Santa's Grotto at the Christmas Fayre (Photo Credit: L Gibbs)

I'm probably more of a Private Benjamin than a GI Jane at the Halloween fundraiser (Photo Credit: R Woodhouse)

A moment of quiet reflection after setting up Santa's Grotto at the Christmas Fayre (Photo Credit: L Gibbs)

November has been a very busy month for fundraising...for one of my local charities, the village school, with not one but two fundraising events this month.  Between the Halloween fundraiser and the Christmas Fayre, I've struggled to juggle my work, family and fundraising commitments but I'm delighted to report that thanks to the help of my amazing team of volunteers both events were a huge success.  Lots of happy smiling little faces and lots of money raised.  Job done.

As I've already mentioned in a previous update, one of the perks of being an actress is that I get to choose the projects that I want to work on, which gives me the flexibility to spend time giving back to the community whenever I want to.  If you similarly have some spare time then choose a local charity and volunteer whenever you can.  There is nothing as rewarding as being able to give something back.  And as I always say, if you can't spare the time give money, and if you can't spare the money give time.  Everyone can give something and every little bit counts.


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But the most exciting news of all this that the first episode of Armchair Detectives, hosted by the lovely Susan Calman, aired this month on BBC One and won it's timeslot.

On Monday 4 December at 14:15 I make my return debut to the tellybox, appearing in Episode 11 School's Out for Murder in the role of Emma Kean, so I hope you can all tune in and watch it.  And don't forget you can catch up on the previous 10 episodes on BBC iPlayer at any time.

So, farewell November, hello December "How did it get so late so soon?" - Dr Seuss

Holly Woodhouse